Peace Essay
  • Who: Children with a vision impairment who will be 11, 12 or 13 on 15 November 2025

  • The challenge: Write a peace essay with the theme ‘Together as one’

  • Closing date: 31 October 2025

Get your thinking cap on, harness your creative writing skills and enter the Lions International Peace Essay Contest. The theme for this year’s international contest is ‘Together as one’. If you are aged 11 to 13 why not take up the challenge and creativity express what peace means to you.

Lions International see the contest as an opportunity for young people with a vision impairment to express their feelings of peace. When we come together, we can do amazing things. This year, Lions International are inviting students around the world to envision what can happen when a diverse group of people unites around a common cause or goal. Imagine a world where we all come together as one!

One grand prize winner will receive a whopping US$5,000! (or local equivalent)

Contest Rules and Conditions:

  • The contest theme is ‘Peace without limits’
  • The deadline is 3 September. After which VICTA will pass your entry to our local Lions club who will sponsor you for the contest.
  • The contest is open to children who will be 11, 12 or 13 years of age on 15 November 2025. Eligible birth dates are 16 November 2011 to 15 November 2014.
  • Essays must be no longer than 500 words, submitted in English, typewritten in black ink and double spaced.
  • Only one entry per participant per year, and each entry must be the work of only one participant.
  • Essays cannot have already been published.
  • Any essays found to be plagiarized will be disqualified, and the student will be prohibited from entering any future Lions competitions.
  • VICTA closing date: 31 October 2025

Fancy entering? Fill out the form below and when your essay is complete, send it to us at

For further information on the Peace Essay contest, please visit: Peace Essay Contest | Lions Clubs International

Take part in the Lions International Peace Essay contest

Vision impairment information

Supporting documentation If the applicant is registered, please include a copy of one of the following registration documents:
- Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI)
- Blind Registration Card issued by local authority

If the applicant is not registered, please provide:
- a letter from an ophthalmologist confirming visual acuity.
- a letter from your local council outlining the individual to be registered
Please note, applications cannot be processed without these documents.

Uploading documents

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you would like to upload any supporting documents such as a copy of your registration document, you can do so here. If supplying a CVI, please include Parts 1 & 2. If you are including a copy of a Blind Registration Card, please remember to include both sides. Only files saved as a jpeg or pdf formats will be accepted by the upload. Alternatively, you can email them to

Upload your Peace Essay

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Activities for 10 to 13