Spring Family Weekend 2023
  • When: Saturday 15 March 2025

  • Who: 10 to 13 years

  • Location: Legoland Windsor, Winkfield Road, Windsor, SL4 4AY

  • Cost: £20

  • Closing date: Friday 14 February 2025

Join VICTA at LEGOLAND Windsor for a day of exciting science workshops!

VICTA is heading to LEGOLAND Windsor in March with a lucky group of 10-13 year olds for a day of science based workshops (all involving LEGO!).

Located in the exclusive Education Centre, work together in a team to solve the challenges presented by the LEGOLAND STEM Education Team. Take your first steps into learning about science with unique LEGO sets as you discover your inner scientist or engineer. Start the day with the LEGO Robotics workshop where you will build and programme your interactive robotic LEGO model. After lunch, get stuck into the Rollercoaster workshop – discover and investigate how gravity, friction and air resistance can affect the speed of Rollercoasters. Earn a special LEGO certificate of achievement and ‘Pop Badge’ upon completion of both workshops!

Finish your ultimate LEGO adventure with an exploration of the theme park and the many rides on offer supported by VICTA staff and volunteers.

Apply for this activity via the form below:

Why apply?

  • A great opportunity to meet other young people with a vision impairment
  • Grow in confidence
  • Increase your mobility and independence skills
  • Take part in exclusive LEGO science workshops
  • Explore the rides on offer at LEGOland
  • Take away a unique LEGO Education certificate of achievement and badge

Who can apply?

You must be:

  • Registered or registrable as blind or partially sighted
  • At least 10 years old and no older than 13 years old on 15 March 2025
  • Physically, socially and emotionally able to take part independently in a group setting with peers of a similar age
  • Able to communicate their needs independently
  • Able to take medication independently (if applicable)
Apply for the VICTA 10-13 Legoland Science Day
Note for applicants completing this form After completion, if you have successfully submitted the form, you should receive a successful submission message. If you do not it may be because you have not completed a required field. After your form has successfully gone through you will also receive notification via email. If you do not receive an email please contact the office on 01908 240 831 as there may have been a problem with your application.

Applicant details

Contact details

Emergency contact (EC)

Medical details

Independence skills

Please indicate your level of independence in the following areas by selecting your response and giving details if the assistance is required.
In order to ensure that activities are adequately staffed we need full and accurate information about all participants. Please note we reserve the right to refuse admission to the activity or ask a participant to leave the activity if the information given proves inaccurate or the conduct of the participant reaches an unacceptable level.

General information

The overall theme of this activity is about having fun, but we would like you to gain confidence and develop life skills through a programme of leisure, cultural and social activities. To help us plan our activities and staffing levels please describe your ability in the following areas:

Eye condition

If this is the first VICTA activity that you are applying for, please note that applicants must be registered sight impaired or severely sight impaired, or be able to provide proof that they are registerable. Any information or documents supplied must include the applicant’s name, date of birth and visual acuity.
Supporting documentation
If the applicant is registered, please include a copy of one of the following registration documents: - Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) - Blind Registration Card issued by local authority If the applicant is not registered, please provide: - a letter from an ophthalmologist confirming visual acuity. Please note, applications cannot be processed without these documents.

Uploading documents

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Photographs and filming

Declaration, privacy and consent

To be signed by the applicant or a responsible person.
a. I agree to take part in VICTA's activity and have read all the information sent to me.
b. I acknowledge the need to behave responsibly at all times during the activity.
c. I confirm that this form has been completed accurately and I undertake to update VICTA's organisers should any information contained on the form or personal circumstances change.
d. In the event of an emergency/accident, I consent to emergency medical treatment, which may include the use of anaesthetics.
e. By signing this form I consent to VICTA using the information supplied for the purpose of administering the named event. All the information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and made available only to those staff working with the participant. We may need to share your details with third-party suppliers in relation to this activity. Contact information will be retained and used for marketing of other relevant services.
f. I give consent for VICTA to carry out the following in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations as supplemented by the Data Protection Act 2018 and related laws and to store my personal information on VICTA's database and/or any other suitable system.
g. We are aware that some children use WhatsApp to communicate with their family and friends and each family unit will have their own rules when it comes to technology at home. It is likely that your child will meet other children on a VICTA activity that they’d like to stay in touch with. While we do not encourage the use of WhatsApp before the age of 16, we do encourage connections and friendships between children. We recommend that if your child has met someone that they would like to get in touch with after the activity has taken place, please email activities@victa.org.uk and we can facilitate the exchanging of personal details / telephone numbers.

Agree to payment and T&C's

Activities for 10 to 13’s