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Apply to earn your Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award with VICTA
Apply to earn your Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award with VICTA
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Note for applicants completing this form
After completion, if you have successfully submitted the form, you should receive a successful submission message. If you do not it may be because you have not completed a required field. After your form has successfully gone through you will also receive notification via email. If you do not receive an email please contact the office on 01908 240 831 as there may have been a problem with your application.
Applicant details
First name
Last name
If you have selected other, how do you currently describe yourself?
Date of birth
Participant email address
Participant email address is required for registration on eDofE; DofE’s online system for managing the award. All communication surrounding the award will go to the parent/guardian.
Would you describe yourself as blind/partially sighted?
Partially Sighted
Do you have a guide dog?
Contact details
Email (parent/guardian)
Phone (please provide us with the most convenient number to contact the activity applicant on)
Address 1
Address 2
Post code
Emergency contact (EC)
EC full name
Relationship to participant
EC address
EC primary number
EC secondary number
EC email
Medical details
Medical information (including allergies), other disabilities and/or additional information we need to be aware of for the duration of this activity. Please also detail any medication taken we need to be aware of (please note that all participants must be able to administer their own medication independently and VICTA staff and volunteers can not support with this).
Dietary information including any allergies. Please ensure this is as accurate as possible as this information is used to inform catering teams.
Independence skills
Please indicate your level of independence in the following areas by selecting your response and giving details if the assistance is required.
Your personal independence
Use of toilet
With some assistance
If assistance is required please give details
Use of bath/shower
With some assistance
If assistance is required please give details
With some assistance
If assistance is required please give details
With some assistance
If assistance is required please give details
With some assistance
If assistance is required, please give details, what distances are manageable?
Are there any activities you should avoid for medical or cultural reasons?
In order to ensure that activities are adequately staffed we need full and accurate information about all participants. Please note we reserve the right to refuse admission to the activity or ask a participant to leave the activity if the information given proves inaccurate or the conduct of the participant reaches an unacceptable level.
Please give details of any specialist equipment and technology you use
General information
The overall theme of this activity is about having fun, but we would like you to gain confidence and develop life skills through a programme of leisure, cultural and social activities. To help us plan our activities and staffing levels please describe your ability in the following areas:
Your social skills
Anything else we should know about you?
Why did you choose to attend this activity?
Your first language
Please indicate your preferred reading format/communication mode (e.g. print including font size) and give details of any specialist equipment and technology you use
Eye condition
Name of eye condition?
If this is the first VICTA activity that you are applying for, please note that applicants must be registered sight impaired or severely sight impaired, or be able to provide proof that they are registerable. Any information or documents supplied must include the applicant’s name, date of birth and visual acuity.
Confirmation of vision impairment
I confirm I am/the applicant is registered or registerable Sight Impaired or Severely Sight Impaired
Supporting documentation
If the applicant is registered, please include a copy of one of the following registration documents: - Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI) - Blind Registration Card issued by local authority If the applicant is not registered, please provide: - a letter from an ophthalmologist confirming visual acuity. Please note, applications cannot be processed without these documents.
Uploading documents
If you would like to upload any supporting documents such as a copy of your registration document, you can do so here (please supply a jpg or pdf). If supplying a CVI, please include Parts 1 & 2. If you are including a copy of a Blind Registration Card, please remember to include both sides. Only files saved as a jpeg or pdf formats will be accepted by the upload. Alternatively, you can email them to
Click or drag files to this area to upload.
You can upload up to 5 files.
Photographs and filming
Photographs and video footage may be taken during our activities. These will be used to create photo albums both on our website and on social media after the activity to share with family and friends and to promote the activity. VICTA may also use any photographs or video material taken during an event for the future marketing, publicity and fundraising of activities. Do we have your permission to do so?
Declaration, privacy and consent
To be signed by the applicant or a responsible person.
a. I agree to take part in VICTA's activity and have read all the information sent to me.
b. I acknowledge the need to behave responsibly at all times during the activity.
c. I confirm that this form has been completed accurately and I undertake to update VICTA's organisers should any information contained on the form or personal circumstances change.
d. In the event of an emergency/accident, I consent to emergency medical treatment, which may include the use of anaesthetics.
e. By signing this form I consent to VICTA using the information supplied for the purpose of administering the named event. All the information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and made available only to those staff working with the participant. We may need to share your details with third-party suppliers in relation to this activity. Contact information will be retained and used for marketing of other relevant services.
f. I give consent for VICTA to carry out the following in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations as supplemented by the Data Protection Act 2018 and related laws and to store my personal information on VICTA's database and/or any other suitable system.
g. We understand that some young people will use Whatsapp at home and each home has their own rules on technology. It is likely that your child will meet others on a VICTA activity that they’d like to stay in touch with. While we do not encourage the use of Whatsapp before the age of 16, we do encourage connections and friendships. We ask that if your child is coming on a VICTA activity and they use Whatsapp regularly to remind them their behaviour and language follows the expectations that we have when meeting in person – polite, courteous, and inclusive at all times. If you have any questions surrounding this, please contact the Activities Team on
Agreement to declaration
I agree
I do not agree
Do you give us consent to use your information for marketing purposes such as informing you of future VICTA activities?
Applicants must be aged 15 years and above
I confirm that my child will be 15 years and above
Agreement to payment terms
By checking this box you agree to pay £25.00 to enrol on the VICTA DofE Bronze Award Scheme. If you are offered a place on this programme you will then be required to make the payment to secure your place. There is an additional £50 fee for expeditions. By checking this box you also agree to our terms and understand that this payment is non refundable in the event of you withdrawing from the programme.
I agree
Signed (insert name)
My relationship to the applicant (if applicable)
Legal guardian
If 'other' please state
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