Explore the Holistic Tent

Yoga Moves

The Yoga Moves project shares techniques to promote a positive mindset 

Energise Yoga Flow

This is a great seated yoga display brought to us by Tracey from the Yoga Moves school. Both parents and children can do this alternative approach and the seated position means that it could also be useful to do at school when perhaps your child is feeling overwhelmed with the environment or lacking in motivation. School settings are not always the most relaxing places for our children, so this could be a perfect breaktime routine to help your child to feel a bit more energised!

Breath work with long exhalation

We all experience times in our lives where we feel agitated or stressed. This video examines how to use breath work and long inhalation to help you feel calm! Once you learn how, it can be an instant fix for more stressful situations. Introduce it to your children too, all ages can get involved.

Confidence Meditation

This video has been specifically designed by Tracey at Yoga Moves to be used by children and is delivered either by the parent/carer or by a teacher. It is sensory focused and focuses on feelings within the body and recalls memories of when your child felt confident. This meditation helps the child to focus on a good memory with a view to combatting a negative emotion. Using memories and mantras this video would be great for children to use who are experiencing self-esteem issues.

Postive Beliefs and Meditation Mantra

This Positive Mindset Meditation is brought to us by Patricia Maddalena NLP master, trainer and integration therapist. The aim of this recording is to rapidly rewrite any outdated beliefs, behaviours and feelings that no longer serve you. It works with mantras and positive present tense beliefs in order to re-wire your brain to a more positive mindset. This can be used by both parents and children.


Rebalanceyou and Counsellor Worsley

“Having started Reiki training in 2013, I now specialise in Reiki, Reflexology & Meditation. My aim is to provide an escape from the stresses of everyday life, encourage others to become aware of their own health and well-being and create a tailor made treatment plan for each individual either virtually or at face-to-face appointments. Rebalanceyou offers you time to relax your mind, kick start the body’s natural healing ability and re-establish the mind-body connection.”


Sunshine Meditation

A perfect introductory activity for your child, to get them started with meditation. Ali at Rebalanceyou shares this sensory meditation technique which focuses on the feeling of the sunshine on your skin. 

Tap-tap Meditation

This simple tap-tap meditation can be completed easily by children who have a visual impairment. It focuses on the tactile and the links between hand muscles and the brain.

An Introduction to Mindfulness

What is mindfulness? How can you incorporate it into everyday life? What are its potential benefits?

Counsellor Worsley: “Hi, I’m Charlotte, a Therapist from Salford working with children, adults and couples specialising in trauma, abuse, domestic abuse, relationships, anxiety and grief. I work both privately and for the NHS working with children who have been sexually abused. I also work alongside Ali from Rebalanceyou on Holistic Health 2021 – a free, online private group with a focus on all things health and wellbeing for children and adults. You can find our page over on Facebook at Holistic Health 2021 and you can access my therapy profile on the BACP website ‘Charlotte Jones’ or on Social Media as ‘Counsellor Worsley

Independent Living Solutions – Healthy Eating and Independence

For a healthy mind and healthy body, we obviously know we should be both physically and mentally healthy and fit! In this video Nathalie demonstrates a fun and simple activity which promotes a healthy fresh fruit diet and independent living skills (with some chocolate at the end to make it extra fun). Share this video with your child as a challenge and help them to develop a skill which is linked to a healthy diet and also explores some independent aids.

Hertz no More/Inner Guru

SOUND THERAPY – involves the application of sound waves and harmonic vibrations to the body through the use of instruments and voice.

Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment.

ENTRAINMENT- synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brain wave can attune to.

By using rhythm and frequency we can entrain our brainwaves and it becomes possible to down-shift our normal BETA state (normal waking consciousness) to ALPH (Relaxed) to THETA (mediation) to DELT (sleep where internal healing can occur.

SOUND THERAPY – is not only affective by achieving a state of relaxation but can also move through blockages in the body.







Find a comfy seat and sit down or indeed lie down, close your eyes and enjoy the lovely calming sounds.

Community centre | Inner-Guru (inner-guru.co.uk)

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