Family area

Family John Muir Award

Lockdown has given us all a chance to explore our local area and we know that some of you have loved finding out more about the environment and nature around you.

At VICTA, one of the most popular activities we deliver is the John Muir Award. The John Muir Trust is a conservation charity dedicated to the experience, protection and repair of wild places. We have taken groups to Skomer Island, Cardigan Bay and the Peak District working with local environmental trusts and organisations to actively support projects in their area. Sadly, we can’t deliver our planned John Muir Award activities as normal this year however, we can support you and your family to achieve your own Family John Muir Award.

Some of the activities that might contribute to a Family John Muir Award include:

  • An environmental or outdoor hobby e.g climbing, birdwatching, sailing, hillwalking….
  • Volunteering with an environmental or community organisation
  • Creative activities e.g painting, drawing, photography, film-making…
  • Campaigning or fundraising for local or national conservation issues

What will be your activity? Click here to visit the John Muir website and read some case studies > 

The steps to complete your Family John Muir Award are below but John from the Activities Team has also put together this video explaining the process.


The steps to complete your Family John Muir Award are below but John from the Activities Team has also put together this video explaining the process.

  • Decide which level you would like to complete: Discovery, Explorer or Conserver Level. The Discovery level might be the most suitable and achievable as a family however, find out here what each level involves:
  • Proposal Form. You will need to fill out the Proposal Form to send to the John Muir Trust (available from the website). They will then discuss your plans with you before they register your planned activities. You will need to submit these at least two weeks before you plan to carry out your activities. You can contact us for support in filling out your Proposal Form and there is also plenty of support on the John Muir Trust website.
  • Complete your activity!
  • Review and then send in your Certificate Request Form
  • Celebrate your family’s success!

Let us know about your family’s John Muir achievements and we will showcase your success during the festival (if completed in time) or afterwards on our social media channels. If you are in the process of completing your Family John Muir Award during the festival, send us photos and videos of what your family have been up to so far and we can display these in the Family Area during festival weekend. 


