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We’re delighted you’d like to be part of our team!

  • Date: Sunday 23 April 2023
  • Location: London Marathon – ( For runners who already have their own place)
  • Minimum Sponsorship: Raise what you can!

Thank you for considering running the 2023 TCS London Marathon on our behalf. We’d love you to run in one of our rainbow vests and help flood the streets of London with colour and possibility. If you were lucky enough to get a place in the 2023 TCS London Marathon ballot, we would love to welcome you to the team as an own place runner. There’s no minimum fundraising target, we just ask you to raise as much as you can. Join #TeamVICTA and we’ll support you all the way.

How we’ll support you…

  • access to a training and injury hub
  • access to our exclusive Runners Download Area packed with fundraising ideas, guides and print-out materials
  • supporter packs for the day including VICTA t-shirts and banners
  • a VICTA technical running vest
  • weekly emails from 16 weeks to go
  • support from a dedicated fundraising team, happy to be with you every step of the way



Why we’d love you to support us…

We work hard to empower children and young adults who are blind or partially sighted and their families. Our activities, grants and programmes just wouldn’t be possible without the support of our fundraisers. By running for VICTA, you’ll help us to help more young people and prove that anything is possible!

Don’t hesitate. Join #TeamVICTA and help us to make 2023 a better year for children and young people who are blind or partially sighted.


Apply to Run for Team VICTA in the 2023 TCS London Marathon – Own Place Runners

Run for Team VICTA in the 2023 TCS London Marathon - Own Place Runners

Terms and Conditions

1. I understand that I am responsible for organising all aspects of my fundraising and will only use lawful means to fundraise including obtaining any necessary insurances, licenses, consents or permissions (from the relevant local authority if collecting funds on the street or in a public place) and that VICTA will not accept any liability relating to my fundraising. 2. While fundraising, I will not do anything that is likely to harm VICTA’s reputation. 3. All monies raised in aid of VICTA must be received by VICTA. 4. If I am forced to withdraw from the 2023 TCS London Marathon for any reason, I will need to contact all donors and ask if they are still happy for their sponsorship monies to benefit VICTA. If not, I must refund all donations to the relevant donors. Where VICTA is already in receipt of donations, and the donor would like their sponsorship refunding, I will need to instruct them to write to VICTA requesting a refund of their sponsorship monies giving details of when and how the donation was made and for how much. 5. I agree that images taken on the day may be used by VICTA to help promote fundraising efforts. 6. I give permission for my personal information to be stored and used by VICTA in connection with the organisation, promotion and administration of this event. 7. I confirm that the information on this form is complete and correct at time of submission. 8. I confirm that I will be 18 years of age or older at the time of the event.


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