Sustainable fundraising

Together we can create a shared purpose that aligns our values and positively impacts children and young adults with sight loss. We know from experience meaningful partnerships foster cohesive and enthusiastic workforces as they witness positive change within our communities.

People, Planet, Partnerships are the heart of every challenge. It’s about taking those thoughtful steps that not only enhance the experience but also show your team, participants and customers that you care about the future.

Take our UN sustainable goals and change profit to partnerships.


Dragon boat

Dragon Boat racing is an ideal event for a whole company either competing as inter-department teams or challenging a competitor organisation. With at least two boats competing against each other over short distances, strength, endurance and skill are important, but communication, harmony and team spirit are as well.

Inter-company football

Bring your team together & challenge other corporates for a high scoring fundraiser. And even if you don’t score, this is one match that guarantees you’ll make a difference. If you’ve got smaller numbers, why not opt for a game of 5-a-side? Raise funds by charging a player fee and let spectators donate to take part in a penalty shootout at the end of the match?

It’s a

The ultimate school sports day for adults. Fun is a big incentive for people to get involved but you could also reach out to local businesses and ask them to donate a prize. They’ll be helping a good cause and if your event gains press interest, they’ll also get exposure. You may need materials so if you, or somebody you know works in a school or local sports centre, reach out to them.



Where and how far will you walk to support children and young people who are blind or partially sighted? Team up with a few friends or organise a big walk and get your whole company involved. Taking on a walking challenge for VICTA is a fantastic way to keep healthy and enjoy the great outdoors. From a morning walk in the park to steep hill climbs – whatever kind of walk or route you choose, we’ll support you every step of the way.

International evening / day

Whether you’ve travelled the world or just love a particular culture, an international theme is a great way to get people excited about raising money. Choose your country, or go ‘around the world’, and charge people an entry fee. Have a think about dress codes, food and music. Entertainment such as quizzes can be a great way to raise extra funds at the event.


Why not get a team together and create a vegetable patch. Grow your own vegetables and sell what you grow by leaving an honesty box in your company. Or challenge each other to see who can grow the tallest sunflower or largest pumpkin at home.



Celebrate your team’s core skills by developing an innovation project!

  • Product creation

  • Workplace solutions

  • Utilise your company’s existing services

  • Can your office space bring opportunities?

Helpful hints

Ed’s steps

to a successful event!


Stephen’s tips for a big night.

Other fun ideas and big challenges…


Mass participation exercise-athons

Family fun day

Film screening

Auctions and raffles