Additional information for the 2022 VICTA Family Weekends

Note for applicants completing this form

After completion, if you have successfully submitted the form, you should receive a successful submission message. If you do not it may be because you have not completed a required field.

If you are having difficulty with the form, please contact the office on 01908 240 831.

Applicant details

Name of VI child you applied for

Contact details

Eye condition documentation

Supporting documentation
If the applicant is registered, please include a copy of one of the following registration documents:
- Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI)
- Blind Registration Card issued by local authority

If the applicant is not registered, please provide:
- a letter from an ophthalmologist confirming visual acuity.

Please note, applications cannot be processed without these documents.

Uploading documents

Photographs and filming

Declaration, privacy and consent

To be completed and signed by one of the named parents/guardians listed in the application above. This form has been completed accurately and I undertake to update VICTA should any of the information in this form change. In applying for this activity, if awarded a place, I confirm the following:

a. I agree to/for my child to take part in VICTA's activity and have read all the information sent to me.

b. I acknowledge the need to/for my child to behave responsibly at all times during the activity.

c. I confirm that this form has been completed accurately and I undertake to update VICTA's organisers should any information contained on the form or personal circumstances change.

d. In the event of an emergency/accident, I consent to emergency medical treatment, which may include the use of anaesthetics.

e. With current COVID-19 legislation, we may require families to show evidence of a negative test result within 48 hours of the start date of the activity. If this should change, we will keep you informed’

By signing this form you consent to VICTA using the information supplied for the purpose of administering the named event.

All the information will be treated in the strictest of confidence and made available only to those staff working with the participant.

Contact information will be retained and used for marketing of other relevant services.

I give consent for VICTA to carry out the following in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) and to store my personal information on VICTA's database and/or any other suitable system.

Agreement to payment