Fundraising in the workplace – how Highfield Group smash their fundraising goals

By |2023-10-12T09:43:25+01:00July 21st, 2022|Categories: Fundraising, Stories|

You may be wondering how to get your office or workplace involved in your fundraising for VICTA. Highfield Group in Doncaster are VICTA's corporate supporters and never fail to surprise us with the brilliant ideas they come up with to get their team involved and raising funds for VICTA. Ellie Cowin from the Highfield [...]

Hosting the perfect fundraising BBQ & more!

By |2022-07-21T12:32:15+01:00July 21st, 2022|Categories: Fundraising, Stories|

Dedicated #TeamVICTA fundraiser Andy Farrer is better known as the Portrush Iron Man, running marathons with a full sized ironing board under his arm! Every year Andy smashes his fundraising target for VICTA and is here to help anyone who isn't sure where to start.   One of Andy's favourite events to host is a [...]

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